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    Chris Saxon

    Function for alphabetical sequence like a spreadsheet

    I need function which convert numeric to alphabet like when I input 1 then it will return 'A', when i input 2 then it will return 'B' please help me on this.
    Chris Saxon

    tune these max statements with subquery

    How can I convince my developers there is a better way to do this? SELECT MAX (weight) weight FROM client.pet_weight WHERE pet_id = :pet_id AND setup_date = (SELECT MAX (setup_date) FROM client.pet_w
    Chris Saxon

    Partitioning question

    Let's say we have a table of documents with key of doc_id. This table contains millions of documents(rows). There is also a table that assigns one or more industry codes to each doc: create table doc_ind ( doc_id integer, ind_code varchar2(10) ) This table will therefore als
    Chris Saxon

    Pluggable Database not open automatically

    Some Days before I have Install Oracle Database New version with no error or warnings. Created 2 pluggable databases in the DB container. SELECT name, open_mode from v$pdbs; NAME OPEN_MODE ------------------------------ ---------- PDB$SEED
    Connor McDonald

    SQL Loader free file format data load

    We have many files available in our Linux mount point and wanted to load them into the table. The solution I'm seeking is to load all the files(with no-header, a different set of columns in each file, comma separated and new line char is available). Sample file data: files1.csv 1...

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